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Who Wants to Know The 3 Ways MRC Can Help You Achieve Your Goals?

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Are you the type of person who likes being supported? Likes having people on your side, routing for you? If yes, keep reading... we point out the 3 ways The Mindful Resource Center (MRC) is here to help YOU achieve your goals?

You see... early on, Dr. Hartman believed that everyone reaches a 'time' in their lives where they can do it on their own, be independent... that relying on others for support is something for the 'growing-up years'. When Dr. Hartman tried achieving goals herself... sure, she's bright, she made some progress... but it was pain-stakingly SLOW! And time-consuming and after a while, it felt like the fruits of her labor were going to ripen just too far in the future.

Then, through a combination of luck and preparation, she had an amazing opportunity - she found a Consultant... a Coach... a Mentor. And that person helped her build resources of support that brought results... and fruits for her labor showed up super fast!

Years later, she figured out the 'code' for achieving wellness. It's mentorship... it's having leaders in your life who help you achieve your goals. And now, with loads of wellness and happiness, Dr. Hartman founded MRC to help everyone know the possibilities available to them so they too can achieve wellness and happiness. Not everyone will take action... and that's ok... do what you're ready for. But if you're ready, read on and discover the 3 ways MRC can help you achieve your goals...


(1) Subscribe to our blog for lots of tips and tricks to support your wellness goals. If you're on Facebook, also 'like' our MRC page so these online content streams can show up for you with little effort on your part. It often takes daily reminders to help the brain stay tuned into manifesting your goals (and we try to keep them brief, so they're quickly digestible in your busy life).

(2) Consider taking our classes or joining our groups... if you're not local or your schedule doesn't line up with ours or you like learning in the comfort of your home, we've gotchya covered. We're in the process of getting our Webinar Platform established as well as our online video streaming, so keep an eye out for our updates so you can take advantage of a class or group that will help take you to the next level of wellness.

(3) Why not give psychotherapy, coaching or consultation a try? Your will have your own, personal mentor, tailoring advice and support to your specific needs. Most successful, happy people you know, whether on TV or in your personal lives, have their wellness in part because they hired a therapist, coach or consultant to help them 'put down that which no longer serves them' and add what was needed to manifest their wellness.

So, if you're one of those people who believes in the benefits of support, who believe in the value of mentorship and having leaders in your life who are committed to helping YOU take things to the next level in your wellness, whether that's more physical health or happy mindset or more financial freedom or more positive use of your time..

(1) subscribe to our blog and if applicable, our Facebook page

(2) take our classes or join our groups

(3) give psychotherapy, coaching or consultation a try.

If you're ready to bring more well-being in your life, we invite you to please contact Dr. Julie Hartman to further discuss how MRC is here for to support you.

Thanks for reading!

- Your MRC Team

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